
I only offered you a ride.

People tell me growing up is just a phase.

I first posted the artist First Aid Kit with the song here. However I like this song so much more. It's not often that I like female artists, but the beginning of this song really captures my ear.
When I Grow Up by First Aid KitPost Options

Ray Charles, everything's alright.

You may argue, but I put songs like the below in my Christmas genre. Of course Ray Charles fits into many genres, but I like songs like this on my holiday play list because it is just perfectly energetic and happy.


Patience little one.

Remixes flood blogs. Remixes are far from a bad thing; however, I try to avoid posting them because a lot of them are too computer generated and sadly start to sound the same. These remixes done by Miike Snow and Nas are totally different yet still honor the original song well.



As we go along.

No telling how many times Aretha's version of Winter Wonderland has been blasted through my parents house. 



Since we are almost a week out I will be posting some Christmas tunes to put some pep in your step. Don't fret though I don't want to overload on Christmas spirit so I will be sure to mix in other news. 


Formal is normal.

Stars aligned and all the dreams on my side.

It hit me. Christmas.

I watched Home Alone 2, my favorite, and I realized that Christmas is only two weeks away. I'm excited. Now if you will excuse me...eggnog is calling.


You got more than money and sense.

...my friend, you got heart.

I went to edit a song's info in my itunes (call me organized) and the genre listed was "Magic". I did not edit that.


Check your ears.

Available to download for free here.

Dancing in the moonlight.

I always find myself listening to Debussy's Clair de Lune on nights when I have trouble falling asleep. Very few songs bring me as much peace as this one.
Forget counting sheep...


Fell in love with a son of a gun.

This is who I am listening to right now. I advise you to play Mighty past the 1:07 mark because it becomes infinitely more upbeat.
Enjoy the songs and the weekend!


It is the dancing juice.

Yes, I watch Glee. Yes, the songs get stuck in my head. Sorry I'm not sorry.